""" CacheSetup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $Id: $ """ __authors__ = 'Geoff Davis ' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' import sets import urlparse import zope.component from zope.interface import implements from Acquisition import aq_get from Acquisition import aq_inner from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from AccessControl.PermissionRole import rolesForPermissionOn from BTrees import Length from DateTime import DateTime from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError from Products.Transience import Transience from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.CMFCore import permissions from Products.CMFCore.utils import _checkPermission from Products.Archetypes.atapi import Schema from Products.Archetypes.atapi import BaseSchema from Products.Archetypes.atapi import DisplayList from Products.Archetypes.atapi import OrderedBaseFolder from Products.Archetypes.atapi import registerType from Products.Archetypes.atapi import BooleanField from Products.Archetypes.atapi import StringField from Products.Archetypes.atapi import LinesField from Products.Archetypes.atapi import BooleanWidget from Products.Archetypes.atapi import SelectionWidget from Products.Archetypes.atapi import LinesWidget from Products.Archetypes.atapi import StringWidget from Products.Archetypes.debug import log_exc from Products.CMFPlone import PloneMessageFactory as _ from Products.statusmessages.interfaces import IStatusMessage from Products.CacheSetup.interfaces import ICacheTool from Products.CacheSetup.interfaces import IPurgeUrls from Products.CacheSetup.enabler import enableCacheFu from Products.CacheSetup import config from Products.CacheSetup import __version__ from nocatalog import NoCatalog schema = BaseSchema.copy() + Schema(( BooleanField( 'enabled', default=False, write_permission = permissions.ManagePortal, widget=BooleanWidget( label='Enable CacheFu', description='Uncheck to turn off CacheFu\'s caching behavior. Note: Disabling CacheFu ' 'does not purge proxy or browser caches so stale content may still continue ' 'to be served out of those caches.')), StringField( 'activePolicyId', default=config.DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, vocabulary='getActivePolicyVocabulary', write_permission = permissions.ManagePortal, widget=SelectionWidget( label='Active Cache Policy', description='Please indicate which cache policy to use.', condition='python:len(object.getActivePolicyVocabulary()) > 1')), # XXX: The cacheConfig field is no longer used, and kept here hidden only so that we can migrate away from it StringField( 'cacheConfig', widget=SelectionWidget( label='Cache Configuration', visible={'edit': 'invisible', 'view': 'invisible'})), StringField( 'proxyPurgeConfig', required=1, default='no-purge', write_permission = permissions.ManagePortal, vocabulary=DisplayList(( ('no-purge','No Purge (zope-only, or zope-behind-apache)'), ('no-rewrite','Simple Purge (squid/varnish in front)'), ('vhm-rewrite','Purge with VHM URLs (squid/varnish behind apache, VHM virtual hosting)'), ('custom-rewrite','Purge with custom URLs (squid/varnish behind apache, custom virtual hosting)'))), widget=SelectionWidget( label='Proxy Cache Purge Configuration', description='If you are using a caching proxy such as Squid or Varnish in front ' 'of Zope, CacheFu needs to be able to tell this proxy to purge its ' 'cache of certain pages. If Apache is in front of Squid/Varnish, then ' 'this depends on Apache\'s "virtual hosting" configuration. The most common ' 'Apache configuration generates VirtualHostMonster-style URLs with ' 'RewriteRules/ProxyPass. If you have a legacy CacheFu 1.0 Squid-Apache ' 'install or other custom Apache configuration, you may want to choose ' 'the "custom URLs" option and customize the rewritePurgeUrls.py script.')), LinesField( 'domains', edit_accessor='getDomains', write_permission = permissions.ManagePortal, widget=LinesWidget( label='Site Domains', description='Enter a list of domains for your site. This is not needed if you chose "No Purge" ' 'under the Proxy Cache Purge Configuration option above. ' 'If your site handles both http://www.mysite.com:80 and http://mysite.com:80, ' 'be sure to include both. Also include https versions of your domains if you use them. ' 'Be sure to include a port for each site.')), LinesField( 'squidURLs', edit_accessor='getSquidURLs', write_permission = permissions.ManagePortal, widget=LinesWidget( label='Proxy Cache Domains', description='Enter a list of domains for any purgeable proxy caches. This is not needed if ' 'you chose "No Purge" or "Simple Purge" under "Proxy Cache Purge Configuration" ' 'above. For example, if you are using Squid with Apache in front, there will ' 'commonly be a single squid instance at')), StringField( 'gzip', default='accept-encoding', write_permission = permissions.ManagePortal, vocabulary=DisplayList(( ('never','Never'), ('always','Always'), ('accept-encoding','Use Accept-Encoding header'), ('accept-encoding+user-agent','Use Accept-Encoding and User-Agent headers'))), widget=SelectionWidget( label='Compression', description='Should Zope compress pages before serving them, and if so, what criteria ' 'should be used to determine whether pages should be gzipped? The most common ' 'settings are "Never" (no compression) or "Use Accept-Encoding header" ' '(only compress content if the browser explicitly declared support for compression).')), StringField( 'varyHeader', default='Accept-Encoding', write_permission = permissions.ManagePortal, widget=StringWidget( label='Vary Header', size=60, description='Value for the Vary header. If you are using gzipping, you may need to include ' '"Accept-Encoding" and possibly "User-Agent". If you are running a multi-lingual site, ' 'you may also need "Accept-Language". Values should be separated by commas. ' '(Upon submit, this value will be cleaned up and checked for any obvious omissions)')), )) schema['title'].default = config.TOOL_TITLE schema['title'].widget.visible = {'edit': 'invisible', 'view': 'invisible'} schema['id'].widget.visible = {'edit': 'invisible', 'view': 'invisible'} class CacheTool(NoCatalog, OrderedBaseFolder, UniqueObject): """ """ implements(ICacheTool) archetype_name = 'Cache Configuration Tool' portal_type = meta_type = 'CacheTool' plone_tool = 1 security = ClassSecurityInfo() schema = schema content_icon = 'cachesetup_tool_icon.gif' global_allow = 0 allowed_content_types=('CachePolicy',) _catalog_count = None _permission_count = None _change_date = None actions = ( {'action': 'string:$object_url', 'category': 'object', 'id': 'view', 'name': 'Cache Setup', 'permissions': (permissions.ManagePortal,), 'visible': False }, ) aliases = { '(Default)': 'cache_tool_config', 'view' : 'cache_tool_config', 'edit' : 'base_edit' } def __init__(self, oid, **kwargs): # keep track of the installed version OrderedBaseFolder.__init__(self, oid, **kwargs) self.installedversion = __version__ def updateInstalledVersion(self): # call this method after a reinstall # to update installedversion tracking self.installedversion = __version__ def initializeArchetype(self, **kwargs): # get values from other places before archetypes initializes them squid_urls = self._getSquidUrls() OrderedBaseFolder.initializeArchetype(self, **kwargs) # don't stomp on squid urls self._setSquidUrls(squid_urls) def getActivePolicyVocabulary(self, display=None): active = self.getActivePolicyId() vocabulary = [(p.getId(), p.Title()) for p in self.objectValues() if p.portal_type=="CachePolicy"] if display: vocabulary = [('(active policy)', '(active policy)')] + vocabulary return DisplayList(tuple(vocabulary)) # if active is gone, find another def getActivePolicyId(self): policy_id = self.getField('activePolicyId').get(self) if getattr(self, str(policy_id), None) is None: rules = getattr(self, config.RULES_ID, None) if rules is not None: # we haven't migrated yet return '' else: # policy deleted so try the first one policies = self.objectValues() if len(policies): policy_id = policies[0].getId() else: # no policies so add a blank set self.addPolicyFolder(config.DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 'Default Cache Policy') policy_id = config.DEFAULT_POLICY_ID self.setActivePolicyId(policy_id) return policy_id # use browser cookies to store current display policy id def setDisplayPolicy(self, id=None, camefrom=None, redirect=True): request = self.REQUEST response = request.response cookie_name = 'cachetool_policy' id = str(id) display_policy = getattr(self, id, None) if getattr(self, id, None) is None: # clear the cookie response.setCookie(cookie_name, '', path='/') id = None else: # expire cookie after 6 hours expires = (DateTime() + .25).toZone('GMT').rfc822() response.setCookie(cookie_name, id, path='/', expires=expires) if redirect: if camefrom is None: response.redirect('%s/cache_policy_config' % self.absolute_url()) else: policy = self.getPolicy(id) response.redirect('%s/%s' % (policy.absolute_url(), camefrom)) return '' def getEnabled(self): """Let's disable CacheFu if the file system version doesn't match the installed version to make sure we don't kill the site if the schemas have changed. """ if getattr(self, 'installedversion', None) != __version__ : return False return self.getField('enabled').get(self) def setEnabled(self, value): # convert to boolean for backwards compat with Plone 2.5 if not value or value == '0' or value == 'False': value = False else: value = True # if version mismatch, send status message if value and getattr(self, 'installedversion', None) != __version__ : IStatusMessage(self.REQUEST).addStatusMessage( _(u"Refusing to enable CacheSetup until installed version matches " u"filesystem version. Update/reinstall CacheSetup to fix."), type="error") # change field only if different elif value != self.getField('enabled').get(self): self.getField('enabled').set(self, value) enableCacheFu(self, value) def getPolicy(self, policy_id=None): if policy_id is None: policy_id = self.getActivePolicyId() policy = getattr(self, policy_id, None) if policy is None: rules = getattr(self, config.RULES_ID, None) if rules is not None: # we haven't migrated yet policy = self else: # policy deleted so try the first one policies = self.objectValues() if len(policies): policy = policies[0] else: # no policies so add a blank set self.addPolicyFolder(config.DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 'Default Cache Policy') policy = getattr(self, config.DEFAULT_POLICY_ID) return policy def getDisplayPolicy(self): request = self.REQUEST response = request.response cookie_name = 'cachetool_policy' id = request.cookies.get(cookie_name, '') display_policy = getattr(self, id, None) if display_policy is None: if id != '': response.setCookie(cookie_name, '', path='/') display_policy = self.getPolicy() return display_policy def getRules(self, policy_id=None): policy = self.getPolicy(policy_id) rules = getattr(policy, config.RULES_ID, None) if rules is None: policy_id = policy.getId() self.addRulesFolder(policy_id) rules = self.getRules(policy_id) return rules def getHeaderSets(self, policy_id=None): policy = self.getPolicy(policy_id) header_sets = getattr(policy, config.HEADERSETS_ID, None) if header_sets is None: policy_id = policy.getId() self.addHeaderSetsFolder(policy_id) header_sets = self.getHeaderSets(policy_id) return header_sets def getHeaderSetById(self, id): return getattr(self.getHeaderSets(), id) def addPolicyFolder(self, policy_id, policy_title, empty=None): policy = getattr(self, policy_id, None) if policy is not None: self.manage_delObjects(policy_id) self.invokeFactory(id=policy_id, type_name='CachePolicy') policy = getattr(self, policy_id) policy.unmarkCreationFlag() policy.setTitle(policy_title) policy.reindexObject() if empty is not None: policy_id = policy.getId() self.addRulesFolder(policy_id) self.addHeaderSetsFolder(policy_id) def addRulesFolder(self, policy_id): policy = getattr(self, policy_id) policy.allowed_content_types = ('RuleFolder',) policy.invokeFactory(id=config.RULES_ID, type_name='RuleFolder') policy.allowed_content_types = () rules = self.getRules(policy.getId()) rules.unmarkCreationFlag() rules.setTitle('Rules') rules.reindexObject() def addHeaderSetsFolder(self, policy_id): policy = getattr(self, policy_id) policy.allowed_content_types = ('HeaderSetFolder',) policy.invokeFactory(id=config.HEADERSETS_ID, type_name='HeaderSetFolder') policy.allowed_content_types = () header_sets = self.getHeaderSets(policy.getId()) header_sets.unmarkCreationFlag() header_sets.setTitle('Headers') header_sets.reindexObject() # ##### Counters for use in ETag/cache key building ##### def updateChangeDate(self): # change_date is a DateTime that we will update # every time we increment a counter if self._change_date is None: self._change_date = Transience.Increaser(DateTime()) self._change_date.set(DateTime()) def getChangeDate(self): return self._change_date() def incrementCatalogCount(self): # catalog_count is a minimal counter object that we will increment # every time an object is indexed/reindexed/unindexed -- we will # then use this for cache invalidation if self._catalog_count is None: self._catalog_count = Length.Length() self._catalog_count.change(1) self.updateChangeDate() def getCatalogCount(self): return self._catalog_count() def incrementPermissionCount(self): # permission_count is a minimal counter object that we will increment every # time the relationship between roles and permissions changes. We will use # this value for cache invalidation if self._permission_count is None: self._permission_count = Length.Length() self._permission_count.change(1) self.updateChangeDate() def getPermissionCount(self): if self._permission_count is None: self._permission_count = Length.Length() return self._permission_count() # ##### Accessors, mutators, and helper methods used in configuration ###### def _getCompleteUrl(self, url): if url.find('//') == -1: url = 'http://' + url p = urlparse.urlparse(url) protocol = p[0] if not protocol: protocol = 'http' host = p[1] split_host = host.split(':') if len(split_host) == 1: if protocol == 'https': port = '443' else: port = '80' host = split_host[0] + ':' + port return urlparse.urlunparse((protocol, host, '','','','')) def _getSquidUrls(self): # get a list of urls from squid squid_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_squid') return tuple([url for url in squid_tool.getSquidURLs().split('\n') if url]) def _setSquidUrls(self, list_of_urls): # pass a \n-joined list of urls to squid tool squid_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_squid') squid_tool.manage_setSquidSettings('\n'.join(list_of_urls)) def hasPurgeableProxy(self): # return self.getCacheConfig() in ('squid', 'squid_behind_apache') return self.getProxyPurgeConfig() != 'no-purge' def getDomains(self): if self.getProxyPurgeConfig() in ('vhm-rewrite','custom-rewrite'): return self.getField('domains').get(self) else: return self._getSquidUrls() security.declareProtected(permissions.ManagePortal, 'setDomains') def setDomains(self, value): if value is None: value = '' if type(value) == type(''): value = value.replace('\r','\n') value = value.split('\n') value = [v.strip() for v in value if v] domains = [] for v in value: domains.append(self._getCompleteUrl(v)) if self.getProxyPurgeConfig() in ('vhm-rewrite','custom-rewrite'): self.getField('domains').set(self, domains) else: self._setSquidUrls(domains) security.declareProtected(permissions.View, 'getSquidURLs') def getSquidURLs(self): if self.getProxyPurgeConfig() in ('vhm-rewrite','custom-rewrite'): return self._getSquidUrls() else: return '' security.declareProtected(permissions.ManagePortal, 'setSquidURLs') def setSquidURLs(self, value): if self.getProxyPurgeConfig() in ('vhm-rewrite','custom-rewrite'): if value is None: value = '' if type(value) == type(''): value = value.replace('\r','\n') value = value.split('\n') self._setSquidUrls([self._getCompleteUrl(v) for v in value if v]) security.declareProtected(permissions.ManagePortal, 'setVaryHeader') def setVaryHeader(self, value): # Correct for missing headers values = [v.strip() for v in value.split(',')] request = aq_get(self, 'REQUEST', None) if request is not None: gzip = request.get('gzip',None) else: gzip = self.getGzip() if gzip in ('accept-encoding', 'accept-encoding+user-agent'): if not 'Accept-Encoding' in values: values.append('Accept-Encoding') if gzip == 'accept-encoding+user-agent': if not 'User-Agent' in values: values.append('User-Agent') value = ', '.join(values) self.getField('varyHeader').set(self, value) def post_validate(self, REQUEST, errors): proxy_purge_config = REQUEST.get('proxyPurgeConfig',None) squid_urls = REQUEST.get('squidURLs',None) if proxy_purge_config in ('vhm-rewrite','custom-rewrite'): if not squid_urls: errors['squidURLs'] = 'Please enter the URLs for your proxy caches. We need this to generate the URLs for PURGE requests.' else: if squid_urls: errors['squidURLs'] = 'Set this field only if rewriting proxy cache PURGE requests' if proxy_purge_config in ('no-rewrite','vhm-rewrite','custom-rewrite'): if not REQUEST.get('domains', None): errors['domains'] = 'Please enter the domains that you will be caching. We need this to generate proper PURGE requests.' # Not needed anymore since setVaryHeader fixes itself if necessary #gzip = REQUEST.get('gzip',None) #vary_header = REQUEST.get('varyHeader','') #values = [v.strip() for v in vary_header.split(',')] #if gzip in ('accept-encoding', 'accept-encoding+user-agent'): # if not 'Accept-Encoding' in values: # errors['varyHeader'] = 'When Compression is set to "%s", you need "Accept-Encoding" in the Vary header' % gzip # if gzip == 'accept-encoding+user-agent': # if not 'User-Agent' in values: # errors['varyHeader'] = 'When Compression is set to %s, you need "User-Agent" in the Vary header' % gzip security.declareProtected(permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_purgePageCache') def manage_purgePageCache(self, REQUEST=None): """Purge the page cache manager""" msg = 'portal_status_message=Page+cache+not+purged:+CacheFu+disabled' if self.getEnabled(): pc = getToolByName(self, config.PAGE_CACHE_MANAGER_ID) pc.manage_purge() msg = 'portal_status_message=Page+cache+purged' if REQUEST is not None: url = REQUEST.get('HTTP_REFERER', self.absolute_url()+'/edit') if url.find('?') != -1: url += '&' + msg else: url += '?' + msg return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(url) # ##### Helper methods used for building ETags and for header setting ###### def canAnonymousView(self, object): """Returns True if anonymous users can view an object""" if 'Anonymous' in rolesForPermissionOn('View', object): return True # XXX i am not sure it is possible to assign local roles to the anonymous user # XXX if it is, there may need to be some local role tomfoolery here # XXX something like the following # roles_with_view = {} # for r in rolesForPermissionOn('View', obj): # roles_with_view[r] = 1 # try: # all_local_roles = portal.acl_users._getAllLocalRoles(obj) # except AttributeError: # all_local_roles = _mergedLocalRoles(obj) # if 'Anonymous user' in all_local_roles: # for r in all_local_roles['Anonymous user']: # if r in roles_with_view: # return True return False security.declarePublic('isGzippable') def isGzippable(self, css=0, js=0, REQUEST=None): """Indicate whether gzipping is allowed for the current request. Returns a tuple. The first argument indicates whether gzipping should be enabled, the second indicates whether gzipping should be forced, and the third whether the browser will accept gzipped content.""" # force: force http compression even if the browser doesn't send an accept # debug: return compression state (0: no, 1: yes, 2: force) # css: set this to 1 inside a css file (for later use) # js: set this to 1 inside a js file (for later use) if REQUEST is None: REQUEST = self.REQUEST use_gzip = self.getGzip() if not self.getEnabled(): use_gzip = 'never' force = 0 if use_gzip == 'never': enable_compression = 0 elif use_gzip == 'always': enable_compression = 1 force = 1 elif use_gzip == 'accept-encoding': # compress everything except css and js enable_compression = 1 elif use_gzip == 'accept-encoding+user-agent': # gzip compatibility info courtesy of # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_deflate.html user_agent = REQUEST.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '') if user_agent.startswith('Mozilla/4'): # Netscape 4.x can't handle gzipped css and js enable_compression = (css==0 and js==0) # Netscape 4.0.6-4.0.8 has some gzip-related bugs if user_agent[len('Mozilla/4.')] in ('6','7','8'): enable_compression = 0 # Some versions of MSIE pretend to be Netscape 4.x but are OK with gzipping if user_agent.find('MSIE'): enable_compression = 1 return (enable_compression, force, REQUEST.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', '').find('gzip') != -1) # ##### Main methods ###### security.declarePublic('getRuleAndHeaderSet') def getRuleAndHeaderSet(self, request, object, view, member): """Get the caching rule that applies here and the header set specified by the rule""" if not self.getEnabled(): return (None, None) rules = self.getRules().objectValues() for rule in rules: try: header_set = rule.getHeaderSet(request, object, view, member) if header_set is not None: return (rule, header_set) except ConflictError: raise except: log_exc() return (None, None) security.declarePublic('getUrlsToPurge') def getUrlsToPurge(self, object): """Get a list of URLs to be purged when the given object is added / modified / deleted""" # if nothing to purge or cachefu disabled, return an empty list if not self.hasPurgeableProxy() or not self.getEnabled(): return [] relative_urls = sets.Set() rules = self.getRules().objectValues() for rule in rules: try: rule.getRelativeUrlsToPurge(object, relative_urls) except ConflictError: raise except: log_exc() for adapter in zope.component.subscribers([aq_inner(object)], IPurgeUrls): relative_urls.union_update(adapter.getRelativeUrls()) relative_urls = list(relative_urls) absolute_urls=[] for adapter in zope.component.subscribers([aq_inner(object)], IPurgeUrls): absolute_urls.extend(adapter.getAbsoluteUrls(relative_urls)) if relative_urls: proxy_purge_config = self.getProxyPurgeConfig() if proxy_purge_config == 'vhm-rewrite': # unless defined otherwise, we assume urls passed to the cache proxy # are of the standard form expected by the VirtualHostMonster: # [squid_url]/VirtualHostBase/[protocol]/[host]:[port]/[path to portal root]/VirtualHostRoot/[path] url_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_url') portal_path = '/'.join(url_tool.getPortalObject().getPhysicalPath()) domains = self.getDomains() prefixes = [] for d in domains: p = urlparse.urlparse(d) protocol = p[0] host = p[1] split_host = host.split(':') host = split_host[0] port = split_host[1] prefixes.append('VirtualHostBase/%s/%s:%s%s/VirtualHostRoot/' \ % (protocol, host, port, portal_path)) relative_urls = [prefix+url for prefix in prefixes for url in relative_urls] elif proxy_purge_config == 'custom-rewrite': domains = [urlparse.urlparse(d) for d in self.getDomains()] relative_urls = self.rewritePurgeUrls(relative_urls, domains) return relative_urls + absolute_urls # A few helper methods def getMember(self): """Utility method for getting a member for use in expression contexts. Returns the Member object for the currently authenticated member or None if the user is not authenticated.""" pm = getToolByName(self, 'portal_membership', None) # stick to the CachingPolicyManager expression convention if not pm or pm.isAnonymousUser(): return None else: return pm.getAuthenticatedMember() # a few methods for generating non-hideous default ids security.declareProtected(permissions.ManagePortal, 'generateUniqueId') def generateUniqueId(self, type_name): context = self.REQUEST.PARENTS[0] question_ids = context.objectIds() n = len(question_ids)+1 while str(n) in question_ids: n = n + 1 return str(n) def _isIDAutoGenerated(self, id): try: int(id) return True except: return False registerType(CacheTool, config.PROJECT_NAME)