from Products.Archetypes.public import BaseSchema, BaseFolderSchema, Schema from Products.Archetypes.public import StringField, TextField, LinesField, BooleanField, ReferenceField from Products.Archetypes.public import TextAreaWidget, VisualWidget, MultiSelectionWidget, StringWidget, IdWidget, LinesWidget, KeywordWidget, SelectionWidget from Products.Archetypes.public import RichWidget, BooleanWidget from Products.Archetypes.public import BaseContent, registerType, BaseFolder from Products.CMFCore import CMFCorePermissions from Products.CMFCore.permissions import View from Products.CMFCore.permissions import ModifyPortalContent from Products.CMFCore.permissions import ManageProperties from Products.ATReferenceBrowserWidget.ATReferenceBrowserWidget import * from DateTime import DateTime from Products.SimpleBlog.Permissions import CROSS_POST_PERMISSION from Products.SimpleBlog.config import ENTRY_IS_FOLDERISH from Products.SimpleBlog.util import post_trackback from Products.ATContentTypes.content.document import finalizeATCTSchema from Products.ATContentTypes.content.base import ATCTContent, ATCTFolder from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName import string,os,urllib,httplib,urlparse,re import sys from Products.SimpleBlog.util import * from Products.SimpleBlog.config import DIGG_TOPICS if ENTRY_IS_FOLDERISH: schema = ATCTFolder.schema.copy() parentClass = ATCTFolder else: schema = ATCTContent.schema.copy() parentClass = ATCTContent schema = schema + Schema(( StringField('description', searchable=1, isMetadata=1, accessor='Description', widget=TextAreaWidget(label='Description', label_msgid="label_entry_description", description_msgid="help_entry_description", i18n_domain="SimpleBlog", description='Give a description for this entry.')), TextField('body', searchable=1, required=0, primary=1, default_content_type='text/html', default_output_type='text/html', allowable_content_types=('text/plain','text/structured', 'text/html', 'text/restructured'), widget=RichWidget(label='Body', label_msgid="label_entry_body", description_msgid="help_entry_body", i18n_domain="SimpleBlog", description="")), ReferenceField('crossPosts', multiValued=1, required=0, relationship='AppearsIn', write_permission=CROSS_POST_PERMISSION, allowed_types=('Blog',), widget=ReferenceBrowserWidget(condition="python:0", # this line have to be removed in order to be visible/editable force_close_on_insert=1, i18n_domain="SimpleBlog", label_msgid="label_crosspost", description_msgid="help_crosspost", label='Cross posts', description='Select one or more other blogs where this entry will appear in when published additionally to this blog.')), BooleanField('alwaysOnTop', default=0, index='FieldIndex:schema', widget=BooleanWidget(label='Entry is always listed on top', label_msgid="label_always_top", description_msgid="help_always_top", i18n_domain="SimpleBlog", description='Controls if the Entry (when published) shown as the first Entry. If not checked, the effective date is used.')), LinesField('categories', accessor='EntryCategory', edit_accessor='EntryCategory', index='KeywordIndex:schema', vocabulary='listCategories', widget=MultiSelectionWidget(format='select', label_msgid="label_entry_categories", description_msgid="help_entry_categories", i18n_domain="SimpleBlog", label='Categories', description='Select to which categories this Entry belongs to')), LinesField('tags', accessor = 'EntryTag', mutator = 'setEntryTag', index = 'KeywordIndex', enforseVocabulary = 1, vocabulary = 'listTags', widget = KeywordWidget(label_msgid = "label_entry_tags", description_msgid = "help_entry_tags", i18n_domain = "SimpleBlog", label = 'Tags', description = 'Select tags for')), BooleanField('alwaysOnTop', default = 0, index = 'FieldIndex:schema', widget = BooleanWidget(label = 'Entry is always listed on top.', label_msgid = "label_always_top", description_msgid = "help_always_top", i18n_domain = "SimpleBlog", description = 'Controls if the Entry (when published) shown as the first Entry. If not checked, the effective date is used.')), LinesField('sendTrackBackURLs', languageIndependent = True, searchable = True, widget = LinesWidget(label = "sendTrackBackURLs", label_msgid = "label_sendTrackBackURLs", description = ("URL for sending trackbacks"), description_msgid = "help_event_attendees", i18n_domain = "plone")), StringField('diggTopic', default='offbeat_news', vocabulary=DIGG_TOPICS, widget=SelectionWidget(label='Digg topic', label_msgid="label_digg_topic", description_msgid="help_digg_topic", i18n_domain="SimpleBlog", description='Choose the digg topic.')), )) finalizeATCTSchema(schema) class BlogEntry(parentClass): """ A BlogEntry can exist inside a SimpleBlog Folder or an EntryFolder """ portal_type = meta_type = 'BlogEntry' archetype_name = 'Blog Entry' content_icon='entry_icon.gif' schema = schema global_allow=0 allow_discussion = 1 default_view = 'blogentry_view' immediate_view = 'blogentry_view' _at_rename_after_creation = True if ENTRY_IS_FOLDERISH: filter_content_types=1 allowed_content_types=('TrackBack') def canSetDefaultPage(self): return False def getAlwaysOnTop(self): if hasattr(self, 'alwaysOnTop'): if self.alwaysOnTop==None or self.alwaysOnTop==0: return 0 else: return 1 else: return 0 def getIcon(self, relative_to_portal=0): try: if self.getAlwaysOnTop()==0: return 'entry_icon.gif' else: return 'entry_pin.gif' except: return 'entry_icon.gif' def listCategories(self): """ Traverse upwards in the tree to collect all the available categories.""" cats=[] parent=self.aq_parent portal=self.portal_url.getPortalObject() while parent!=portal: if parent.portal_type=='Blog' or parent.portal_type=='BlogFolder': pcats=parent.getCategories() for c in pcats: if c not in cats: cats.append(c) if parent.portal_type=='Blog': break parent=parent.aq_parent for c in self.simpleblog_tool.getGlobalCategories(): if not c in cats: cats.append(c) cats.sort() return tuple(cats) def start(self): return self.getEffectiveDate() def end(self): """ Return the same data as start() since an entry is not an event but an item that is published on a specific date. We want the entries in the calendar to appear on only one day. """ return self.getEffectiveDate() def sendTrackBack(self): message = "TrackBack sent" title = self.title src_url = self.absolute_url() blog = self.simpleblog_tool.getFrontPage(self) blog_name = blog.Title() excerpt=self.description agent = "SimpleBlog" result=[] for i in self.getSendTrackBackURLs(): ping_url=i err,mes = post_trackback(self, ping_url=ping_url, title = title, src_url = src_url, blog_name = blog_name, excerpt=self.description, agent = "SimpleBlog", charset = "utf-8") result.append((err,mes)) result.append(("excerpt",self.description)) return result def getTrackbacks(self): return self.listFolderContents(spec="TrackBack") def setEntryTag(self, value, **kwargs): """ Update tags in the Entry in parent Blog """ value = list(value) value.sort() self.getField('tags').set(self, value, **kwargs) tags = self.listTags() newEntries = [v for v in value if not v in tags] if not newEntries: return newTagsList = list(tags)+ list(newEntries) parent = self.aq_parent portal = self.portal_url.getPortalObject() while parent != portal: if parent.portal_type == 'Blog': break parent = parent.aq_parent parent.setTags(newTagsList, **kwargs) def listTags(self): """ Get the list of Tags from parent Blog """ tags = [] parent = self.aq_parent portal = self.portal_url.getPortalObject() while parent != portal: if parent.portal_type == 'Blog': tags = parent.getTags() break parent = parent.aq_parent return tuple(tags) def getBody(self): return self.getField('body').get(self) registerType(BlogEntry)