from DateTime import DateTime from zope.interface import implements, Interface from zope.component import getUtility, queryUtility from zope.component import getMultiAdapter from import ViewPageTemplateFile from plone.i18n.normalizer.interfaces import IURLNormalizer from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry from Products.Five import BrowserView from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.Archetypes.config import RENAME_AFTER_CREATION_ATTEMPTS from ploneorg.kudobounty import logger from ploneorg.kudobounty.config import * from ploneorg.kudobounty import kudobountyMessageFactory as _ from ploneorg.kudobounty.content.bountyprogramsubmission import calcTitle from collective.portlet.collectionmultiview.renderers.base import ( CollectionMultiViewBaseRenderer) class BountyCollectionRenderer(CollectionMultiViewBaseRenderer): __name__ = 'Bounty Collection View' template = ViewPageTemplateFile('') @property def available(self): return len(self.results()) def bounty_form_url(self): # Prepare bounty-form url based on plone.registry record portal_url = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name='plone_portal_state').portal_url() form_path = getUtility(IRegistry)['ploneorg.kudobounty.bountySubmissionForm'] return "%s/%s" % (portal_url, form_path) class BountyFormProcessorView(BrowserView): """ Browser page view for automation of 'Bounty Program Submission' content object creation. """ @property def portal(self): return getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name='plone_portal_state').portal() @property def wftool(self): return getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name='plone_tools').workflow() def __call__(self): """ Perform following steps: * Fill it with data from the PFG form, * Set effective and expiration date to nearest month * Change the workflow state into pending state """ try: container = self.portal.restrictedTraverse(CONTAINER_ID) except: msg = "Can't find bounty submission container" logger.warn(msg + " with '%s' path" % CONTAINER_ID) raise RuntimeError(msg) else: # Create Bounty Program Submission object form = self.request.form title = calcTitle(form['firstName'], form['lastName'], form['organization']) id = self.getUniqueId(container, title) container.invokeFactory("Bounty Program Submission", id) bps = getattr(container, id) # Update Submission with data from the PFG form form['image'] = form['image_file'] form['description'] = form['altText'] effd, expd = self.getEffExpDates() form['effectiveDate'] = effd form['expirationDate'] = expd bps.update(**form) bps.unmarkCreationFlag() bps.reindexObject() # Change wf state self.wftool.doActionFor(bps, "submit") return {} def getEffExpDates(self): now = DateTime() month = now.month() year = now.year() if month == 12: month = 1 year = year + 1 else: month = month + 1 effd = DateTime(year, month, 1, 0, 0) expd = DateTime(year, month + 1, 1, 23, 55) - 1 return effd, expd def getUniqueId(self, container, title): # NOTE: # Mixed and little refactored functions of # Products.Archetypes.BaseObject.BaseObject class: # * _findUniqueId (check uniqueness of id in the container) # * generateNewId (used url noralizer utility) id = queryUtility(IURLNormalizer).normalize(title) container_ids = container.objectIds() check_id = lambda id, required: id in container_ids invalid_id = check_id(id, required=1) if not invalid_id: return id idx = 1 while idx <= RENAME_AFTER_CREATION_ATTEMPTS: new_id = "%s-%d" % (id, idx) if not check_id(new_id, required=1): return new_id idx += 1 return None