#from Globals import InitializeClass import os from Products.CMFCore.ActionProviderBase import ActionProviderBase from Products.CMFPlone.PloneFolder import PloneFolder from config import TOOL_ID, PROJECTNAME from Products.Archetypes.public import * from Products.ATContentTypes.content.folder import ATFolder from Products.ATContentTypes.content.base import updateActions, updateAliases from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.OrderedContainer import IOrderedContainer from Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation import ActionInformation from Products.CMFCore.Expression import Expression from Products.CMFCore.CMFCorePermissions import ManageProperties from Acquisition import aq_base from Products.CMFCore.utils import _getViewFor from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile from Products.XMLRPCMethod.XMLRPCMethod import RPCThread, XMLRPCMethod from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from util import getCanonicalURL from zLOG import LOG _marker = [] def modify_fti(fti): fti['title'] = 'Portal Ping Tool' fti['allowed_content_types'] = ('PingInfo',) fti['filter_content_types'] = 1 #fti['icon'] = 'tool.gif' #fti['immediate_view'] = 'view' #fti['default_view'] = 'view' class PingTool(ATFolder, PloneFolder, ActionProviderBase): #(BaseFolder, PloneFolder, ActionProviderBase): """This tool serve for operation with ActionInfo objects """ #schema = BaseSchema filter_content_types = 1 allowed_content_types = ('PingInfo',) global_allowed = 0 meta_type = archetype_name = portal_type = 'PingTool' ######## content_icon = 'tool.gif' immediate_view = 'view' default_view = 'view' ######## __implements__ = (IOrderedContainer,) _actions = ( ActionInformation( id='ping' , title='Ping setup' , action=Expression( text='string:${folder_url}/ping_setup') , condition=Expression( text='python: folder is object and portal.portal_syndication.isSyndicationAllowed(object)') , permissions=(ManageProperties,) , category='folder' , visible=1 ), ) actions = updateActions(ATFolder, ({'id' : 'view' \ ,'name' : 'View' \ ,'action' : 'string:folder_contents' \ ,'permissions': ('Manage portal',) \ ,'category' :'object' \ }, ) ) aliases = updateAliases(ATFolder, {'(Default)' : 'folder_listing' \ ,'view' : 'folder_contents' \ }, ) manage_options = ( {'label' : 'Overview', 'action' : 'manage_overview'}, ) + ATFolder.manage_options manage_overview = PageTemplateFile(os.path.join('www','overview'), globals()) manage_overview.__name__ = 'manage_overview' manage_overview._need__name__ = 0 def pingFeedReader(self,context): """ ping """ status = 'success' message = 'The servers are pinged' if context.meta_type == 'BlogFolder': blog = context.simpleblog_tool.getFrontPage(context) else: blog = context title = blog.Title() portal = context.portal_url.getPortalObject() canonical_url = getCanonicalURL(context) if canonical_url: url = context.portal_url.getRelativeContentURL(blog) url = canonical_url + url else: return status, 'Ping is impossible.See portal_pingtool.' ps = getToolByName(context,'portal_syndication') rss_templates = {'Blog':'','RSS1':'/RSS','RSS2':'/RSS2'} pingProp = self.getPingProperties(blog) result = 'ok' if not pingProp['enable_ping']: message = 'Ping is dissabled' return status, message if ps.isSyndicationAllowed(blog): sites = pingProp['ping_sites'] if sites: for site in sites: site_obj = getattr(self,site) site_rss_version = rss_templates[site_obj.getRss_version()] site_method = site_obj.getMethod_name() site_url = site_obj.getUrl() PingMethod = XMLRPCMethod('myid',"",site_url,site_method,25) blog_url = url + site_rss_version try: #LOG('qPing', 0, title, blog_url, site_url) result = PingMethod(title,blog_url) except: LOG('qPingTool', 100,"The site "+ site_url+" generated error for "+ blog_url, result) message += '\n'+ str(result) return status, message def setupPing(self,context, enable_ping=0, ping_sites=(), REQUEST=None): """ """ obj=aq_base(context) status = 'success' message = 'Your changes have been saved' syInfo = getattr(obj, 'syndication_information', None) if syInfo is None: message = 'Syndication is Disabled' status = 'failed' else: syInfo.ping_sites = list(ping_sites) syInfo.enable_ping = enable_ping return status, message def getPingProperties(self, context): """ """ obj=aq_base(context) syInfo = getattr(obj, 'syndication_information', None) pingPropeties={} pingPropeties['ping_sites'] = getattr(syInfo,'ping_sites',[]) pingPropeties['enable_ping'] = getattr(syInfo,'enable_ping',0) return pingPropeties def om_icons(self): """ Checking on ZMI for canonical_url setting.""" icons = ({'path':'misc_/qPingTool/tool.gif' \ ,'alt':self.meta_type \ ,'title':self.meta_type \ },) if not getCanonicalURL(self): icons = icons + ({'path':'misc_/PageTemplates/exclamation.gif' \ ,'alt':'Error' \ ,'title':'PingTool needs setting canonical_url' \ },) return icons registerType(PingTool)