# Author: Melnychuk Taras # Contact: fenix@quintagroup.com # Date: $Date: 2005-11-23 12:35:02 # Copyright: quintagroup.com """ This module contain fixed functions from epydoc classes that have to replace original. """ from epydoc.uid import UID, Link, make_uid, findUID from epydoc.objdoc import ObjDoc, _find_base_order, _lookup_class_field, Var from epydoc.uid import _ZopeType, _ZopeMethodType, _ZopeCMethodType from epydoc.cli import _internal_error import epydoc.markup as markup import sys, os.path, re, getopt, types from epydoc.cli import _Progress import epydoc.cli import epydoc.html import epydoc.objdoc def epydoc_html_write_breadcrumbs(self, public, private, where=None): """ Write the HTML code for the breadcrumbs line to the given streams. The breadcrumbs line is an invisible table with a list of pointers to the current object's ancestors on the left; and the show/hide private selector and the frames/noframes selector on the right. @param where: An identifier indicating what page we're creating a navigation bar for. This is either a UID (for an object documentation page); or a string. If it is a UID, then a list of pointers to its ancestors is displayed. @param public: The output stream for the public version of the page. @param private: The output stream for the private version of the page. """ # Write the breadcrumbs (pointers to ancestors) str = '\n' str += ' \n \n \n' str += '
\n' if isinstance(where, UID): str += self._breadcrumbs(where) str += ' ' str += '\n' public.write(str); private.write(str) # Write the public/private link if self._create_private_docs: link = self._public_private_link(where, from_private=0) public.write(' \n' % link) link = self._public_private_link(where, from_private=1) private.write(' \n' % link) # Write the frames/noframes link. frames_link = "" if self._frames_index: frames_link = self._frames_link(where) str = (' \n' % frames_link) str += '
\n' public.write(str); private.write(str) def epydoc_object__init__(self, uid, verbosity=0): cls = uid.value() # Variables: self._tmp_ivar = {} self._tmp_cvar = {} self._tmp_type = {} self._property_type = {} ObjDoc.__init__(self, uid, verbosity) # Handle methods & class variables self._methods = [] self._cvariables = [] self._ivariables = [] self._staticmethods = [] self._classmethods = [] self._properties = [] # Find the order that bases are searched in. base_order = _find_base_order(cls) self._base_order = [make_uid(b) for b in base_order] try: fields = dir(cls) except: fields = [] for field in fields: # Don't do anything for these special variables: # this is fenix changes docstring = '' try: docstring = getattr(cls, field).__doc__ except: pass if field in ('__doc__', '__module__', '__dict__', '__weakref__', '__basicnew__', '__reduce__','__repr__')\ or (not field.startswith('__') and docstring in ( "PermissionRole", "Default Accessor.", "Default Mutator.", "Default Edit Accessor." )): continue # Find the class that defines the field; and get the value # directly from that class (so methods & variables have # the right uids). (val, container) = _lookup_class_field(cls, field, base_order) linkname = field private_prefix = '_%s__' % container.shortname() if field.startswith(private_prefix): if container == self._uid: # If it's private and belongs to this class, then # undo the private name mangling. linkname = linkname[len(private_prefix)-2:] else: # If it's private, and belongs to a parent class, # then don't even list it here. continue # Deal with static/class methods and properties. (Python 2.2) try: # Get the un-munged value. try: rawval = container.value().__dict__.get(field) except: pass if isinstance(rawval, staticmethod): vuid = make_uid(rawval, container, linkname) vlink = Link(linkname, vuid) self._staticmethods.append(vlink) continue elif isinstance(rawval, classmethod): vuid = make_uid(rawval, container, linkname) vlink = Link(linkname, vuid) self._classmethods.append(vlink) continue elif isinstance(rawval, property): vuid = make_uid(rawval, container, linkname) vlink = Link(linkname, vuid) self._properties.append(vlink) continue except NameError: pass # Create a UID and Link for the field value. vuid = make_uid(val, container, linkname) vlink = Link(linkname, vuid) # Don't do anything if it doesn't have a full-path UID. if vuid is None: continue # Don't do anything for modules. if vuid.is_module(): continue # Is it a method? if vuid.is_routine(): self._methods.append(vlink) elif container == self._uid: # Is it an instance variable? if self._tmp_ivar.has_key(field): descr = self._tmp_ivar[field] del self._tmp_ivar[field] typ = self._tmp_type.get(field) if typ is not None: del self._tmp_type[field] else: typ = markup.parse_type_of(val) self._ivariables.append(Var(field, vuid, descr, typ, 1)) # Is it a class variable? else: autogen = 1 # is it autogenerated? descr = self._tmp_cvar.get(field) if descr is not None: del self._tmp_cvar[field] autogen = 0 typ = self._tmp_type.get(field) if typ is not None: del self._tmp_type[field] autogen = 0 else: typ = markup.parse_type_of(val) self._cvariables.append(Var(field, vuid, descr, typ, 1, autogen)) # Keep track of types for properties. for prop in self._properties: name = prop.name() typ = self._tmp_type.get(name) if typ is not None: if prop.target().cls() != self._uid: estr = "@type can't be used on an inherited properties" self._field_warnings.append(estr) self._property_type[prop.target()] = typ del self._tmp_type[name] # Add the remaining class variables for (name, descr) in self._tmp_cvar.items(): typ = self._tmp_type.get(name) if typ is not None: del self._tmp_type[name] vuid = make_uid(None, self._uid, name) self._cvariables.append(Var(name, vuid, descr, typ, 0)) # Add the instance variables. for (name, descr) in self._tmp_ivar.items(): typ = self._tmp_type.get(name) if typ is not None: del self._tmp_type[name] vuid = make_uid(None, self._uid, name) self._ivariables.append(Var(name, vuid, descr, typ, 0)) # Make sure we used all the type fields. if self._tmp_type: for key in self._tmp_type.keys(): estr = '@type for unknown variable %s' % key self._field_warnings.append(estr) del self._tmp_ivar del self._tmp_cvar del self._tmp_type # Add links to base classes. try: bases = cls.__bases__ except AttributeError: bases = [] self._bases = [Link(base.__name__, make_uid(base)) for base in bases if (type(base) in (types.ClassType, _ZopeType) or (isinstance(base, types.TypeType)))] # Initialize subclass list. (Subclasses get added # externally with add_subclass()) self._subclasses = [] # Is it an exception? try: self._is_exception = issubclass(cls, Exception) except TypeError: self._is_exception = 0 # Inherited variables (added externally with inherit()) self._inh_cvariables = [] self._inh_ivariables = [] # Assemble a list of all methods self._allmethods = (self._methods) #XXX+ self._classmethods + #self._staticmethods) # Put everything in sorted order. self._methods = self._sort(self._methods) self._classmethods = self._sort(self._classmethods) self._staticmethods = self._sort(self._staticmethods) self._properties = self._sort(self._properties) self._cvariables = self._sort(self._cvariables) self._ivariables = self._sort(self._ivariables) self._bases = self._sort(self._bases) self._subclasses = self._sort(self._subclasses) self._allmethods = self._sort(self._allmethods) # Print out any errors/warnings that we encountered. self._print_errors() def epydoc_cli_make_docmap(modules, options): """ Construct the documentation map for the given modules. @param modules: The modules that should be documented. @type modules: C{list} of C{Module} @param options: Options from the command-line arguments. @type options: C{dict} """ from epydoc.objdoc import DocMap, report_param_mismatches verbosity = options['verbosity'] document_bases = 0 document_autogen_vars =1 inheritance_groups = (options['inheritance'] == 'grouped') inherit_groups = (options['inheritance'] != 'grouped') d = DocMap(verbosity, document_bases, document_autogen_vars, inheritance_groups, inherit_groups) if options['verbosity'] > 0: print >>sys.stderr, ('Building API documentation for %d modules.' % len(modules)) progress = _Progress('Building docs for', verbosity, len(modules)) for module in modules: progress.report(module.__name__) # Add the module. Catch any exceptions that get generated. try: d.add(module) except Exception, e: if options['debug']: raise else: _internal_error(e) except: if options['debug']: raise else: _internal_error() if not options['ignore_param_mismatch']: if not report_param_mismatches(d): estr = ' (To supress these warnings, ' estr += 'use --ignore-param-mismatch)' print >>sys.stderr, estr return d epydoc.cli._make_docmap = epydoc_cli_make_docmap epydoc.html.HTMLFormatter._write_breadcrumbs = epydoc_html_write_breadcrumbs epydoc.objdoc.ClassDoc.__init__ = epydoc_object__init__