Changelog ========= 0.7 (2010-04-19) ---------------- * Add converters from CanonicalPath to CanonicalLink. Useful for migration [mylan] * Added tests for convertors [mylan] * Extract DefaultPropertyAdapter into separate one from DefaultCanonicalAdapter [mylan] * Added tests of default adapters registration [mylan] 0.6 (2010-04-19) ---------------- * added compatibility with plone 3.0-3.3 [fenix] * added compatibility for plone 4, removed unnecessary tests [fenix] * added delete property functionality for ICanonicalPath, ICanonicalLink [mylan] * added ICanonicalLink interface/adapter/tests/indexer [mylan] 0.4 (2010-02-11) ---------------- * Reregistered base adatapter for OFS.interface.ITraversable [mylan] * Rewrite indexer registration with help of plone.indexer [mylan] * Removed metadata registration in portal catalog [mylan] * Added tests [mylan] * Added README [mylan] 0.1 (2009-03-13) ---------------- * Initial release