Blackout filtering ================== Filtering introductioin ======================= Sitemap portal type has an option, designed to filter out objects which should be excluded from a sitemap. This option is accessable in sitemap edit form and is labeled as "Blackout entries". In earlier versions of the package (<4.0.1 for plone-4 branch and <3.0.7 for plone-3 branch) this field allowed to filter objects only by their ids, and looked like:
So, all objects with "index.html" or "index_html" ids were excluded from the sitemap. In the new versions of GoogleSitemaps filtering was remade to pluggable architecture. Now filters became named multi adapters. There are only two default filters - "id" and "path". Since different filters can be used - new syntax was applied to the "Blackout entries" field. Every record in the field should follow the specification: [:] If no is specified - "id" filter will be used. If is specified - system will look for -named multiadapter to IBlackoutFilter interface. If such multiadapter is not found - filter will be ignored without raising any errors. Following parts demonstrate working of the filtering. Aspects of default filters ("id" and "path") are considered yet. Setup demonstration environment =============================== First, we must perform some setup. We use the testbrowser that is shipped with Five, as this provides proper Zope 2 integration. Most of the documentation, though, is in the underlying zope.testbrower package. >>> from Products.Five.testbrowser import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> portal_url = self.portal.absolute_url() The following is useful when writing and debugging testbrowser tests. It lets us see all error messages in the error_log. >>> self.portal.error_log._ignored_exceptions = () With that in place, we can go to the portal front page and log in. We will do this using the default user from PloneTestCase: >>> from Products.PloneTestCase.setup import portal_owner, default_password >>> We have the login portlet, so let's use that. >>>'http://nohost/plone/login_form') >>> browser.getLink('Log in').click() >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/login_form' >>> browser.getControl('Login Name').value = portal_owner >>> browser.getControl('Password').value = default_password >>> browser.getControl('Log in').click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True >>> "Login failed" in browser.contents False >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/login_form' Functionality ============= First create some content for demonstrations. In the root of the portal >>> self.addDocument(self.portal, "doc1", "Document 1 text") >>> self.addDocument(self.portal, "doc2", "Document 2 text") And in the memeber's folder >>> self.addDocument(self.folder, "doc1", "Member Document 1 text") >>> self.addDocument(self.folder, "doc2", "Member Document 2 text") We need to add sitemap for demonstration. >>> + "/prefs_gsm_settings") >>> browser.getControl('Add Content Sitemap').click() Now we bring-up to edit form of the newly created content sitemap. We are interested in two things: "Blackout entries" field must present in the form and by default it should be empty. >>> file("/tmp/browser.0.html","wb").write(browser.contents) >>> blackout_list = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> blackout_list >>> blackout_list.value == "" True >>> save_button = browser.getControl("Save") >>> save_button >>> Click on "Save" button lead us to result sitemap view. >>> print browser.contents >> + "/prefs_gsm_settings") >>> smedit_link = browser.getLink('sitemap.xml') >>> smedit_url = smedit_link.url This link points to edit form of the newly created sitemap.xml. Let prepare view link to simplifier following demonstrations. >>> smedit_url.endswith("sitemap.xml/edit") True >>> smview_url = smedit_url[:-5] No filters ========== Created sitemap has no filters and all documents should appear in it. >>> >>> file("/tmp/browser.1.html","wb").write(browser.contents) >>> no_filters_content = browser.contents Check if resulted page really is sitemap... >>> print browser.contents >> reloc = re.compile("%s([^\<]*)" % self.portal.absolute_url(), re.S) Test if all 4 documents and default front-page present in the sitemap without filters. >>> no_filters_res = reloc.findall(no_filters_content) >>> no_filters_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(no_filters_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc1 /Members/test_user_1_/doc2 /doc1 /doc2 /front-page Check "id" filter ================= Go to the edit form of the sitemap and add "doc1" and "front-page" lines with "id:" prefix to the "Blackout entries" field. >>> >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... id:doc1 ... id:front-page ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> id_filter_content = browser.contents "doc1" and "front-page" documents should be excluded from the sitemap. >>> id_filter_res = reloc.findall(id_filter_content) >>> id_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(id_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc2 /doc2 Check "path" filter =================== Suppouse we wont to exclude the "front_page" from portal root and "doc2" document, located in test_user_1_ home folder, but leave untouched "doc2" in portal root with all other objects. >>> >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... path:/Members/test_user_1_/doc2 ... path:/front-page ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> path_filter_content = browser.contents "/Members/test_user_1_/doc2" and "/front_page" objects should be excluded from the sitemap. >>> path_filter_res = reloc.findall(path_filter_content) >>> path_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(path_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc1 /doc1 /doc2 Check default filter ==================== Now I have the question: "What filter will be used when no filter name prefix was specified (old-fashion filters for example)?" Go to the edit form of the sitemap and add "doc1" and "front-page" lines without any filter name prefix to the "Blackout entries" field. >>> + "/sitemap.xml/edit") >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... doc1 ... front-page ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> default_filter_content = browser.contents "id" filter must be used as default filter. So all "doc1" and "front-page" objects should be excluded from the sitemap. >>> default_filter_res = reloc.findall(default_filter_content) >>> default_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(default_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc2 /doc2 Creation own filters ==================== Suppouse we want to create own blackout filter, which behave like id-filter, but has some differencies. Our fitler has following format: (+|-) - when 1st sign is "+" then only objects with should be leaved in sitemap after filetering; - if 1st sign is "-" then all objects with should be excluded from the sitemap (like default id filter). You need create new IBlckoutFilter multi-adapter, and register it with unique name. >>> from zope.component import adapts >>> from zope.interface import Interface, implements >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest >>> from quintagroup.plonegooglesitemaps.interfaces import IBlackoutFilter >>> class SignedIdFilter(object): ... adapts(Interface, IBrowserRequest) ... implements(IBlackoutFilter) ... def __init__(self, context, request): ... self.context = context ... self.request = request ... def filterOut(self, fdata, fargs): ... sign = fargs[0] ... fid = fargs[1:] ... if sign == "+": ... return [b for b in fdata if b.getId==fid] ... elif sign == "-": ... return [b for b in fdata if b.getId!=fid] ... return fdata Now register this new filter as named multiadapter ... >>> from zope.component import provideAdapter >>> provideAdapter(SignedIdFilter, ... name=u'signedid') So that's all what needed to add new filter. Now test newly created filter. Check whether white filtering ("+" prefix) works correctly. Go to edit form of the sitemap and add "signedid:+doc1" to the "Blackout entries" field. >>> >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... signedid:+doc1 ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> signedid_filter_content = browser.contents Only objects with "doc1" id should be leaved in the sitemap. >>> signedid_filter_res = reloc.findall(signedid_filter_content) >>> signedid_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(signedid_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc1 /doc1 And for the last - check wheter black filtering ("-" prefix) works correctly. Go to the edit form of the sitemap and add "signedid:-doc1" to the "Blackout entries" field. >>> >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... signedid:-doc1 ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> signedid_filter_content = browser.contents All objects except those having "doc1" id must be included in the sitemap. >>> signedid_filter_res = reloc.findall(signedid_filter_content) >>> signedid_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(signedid_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc2 /doc2 /front-page