from zope import schema from zope.interface import Interface from import contains from import containers from Products.DCWorkflow.interfaces import IAfterTransitionEvent from plone.browserlayer.interfaces import ILocalBrowserLayerType from quintagroup.plonegooglesitemaps import qPloneGoogleSitemapsMessageFactory as _ # -*- extra stuff goes here -*- class ISitemap(Interface): """Search engine Sitemap content type.""" class INewsSitemapProvider(Interface): """Marker interface for News sitemap provider.""" class IGoogleSitemapsLayer(ILocalBrowserLayerType): """Marker interface that defines browser layer for the package.""" class IBlackoutFilter(Interface): """Base interface for filter adapter.""" def filterOut(fdata, fargs): """Filter out fdata by passed arguments in kwargs. * fdata (list/tuple) - data for filtering (list of catalog brains). * fargs (string) - is key for filtering. Return list/tuple like object without filtered out items. """