from base import * from Products.CMFPlone.utils import _createObjectByType class TestPinging(FunctionalTestCase): def afterSetUp(self): super(TestPinging, self).afterSetUp() self.workflow.setChainForPortalTypes(pt_names=('News Item','Document'), chain="simple_publication_workflow") self.gsm_props = self.portal.portal_properties['googlesitemap_properties'] # Add sitemaps self.contentSM = _createObjectByType('Sitemap', self.portal, id='google-sitemaps') self.contentSM.setPingTransitions(('simple_publication_workflow#publish',)) self.newsSM = _createObjectByType('Sitemap', self.portal, id='news-sitemaps') self.newsSM.setPortalTypes(('News Item','Document')) self.newsSM.setPingTransitions(('simple_publication_workflow#publish',)) self.sitemapUrl = '/'+self.portal.absolute_url(1) + '/google-sitemaps' # Add testing document to portal self.my_doc = _createObjectByType('Document', self.portal, id='my_doc') self.my_news = _createObjectByType('News Item', self.portal, id='my_news') def testAutomatePinging(self): # 1. Check for pinging both sitemaps back_out, myout = sys.stdout, StringIO() sys.stdout = myout try: self.workflow.doActionFor(self.my_doc, 'publish') data = finally: sys.stdout = back_out self.assert_('Pinged %s sitemap to Google' % self.contentSM.absolute_url() in data, "Not pinged %s: '%s'" % (, data)) self.assert_('Pinged %s sitemap to Google' % self.newsSM.absolute_url() in data, "Not pinged %s: '%s'" % (, data)) # 2. Check for pinging only news-sitemap sitemaps back_out, myout = sys.stdout, StringIO() sys.stdout = myout try: self.workflow.doActionFor(self.my_news, 'publish') data = finally: sys.stdout = back_out self.assert_('Pinged %s sitemap to Google' % self.newsSM.absolute_url() in data, "Not pinged %s: '%s'" % (, data)) self.assert_(not 'Pinged %s sitemap to Google' % self.contentSM.absolute_url() in data, "Pinged %s on news: '%s'" % (, data)) def testPingingWithSetupForm(self): # Ping news and content sitemaps formUrl = '/'+self.portal.absolute_url(1) + '/prefs_gsm_settings' qs = 'smselected:list=%s&smselected:list=%s&form.button.Ping=1&form.submitted=1' % \ (, back_out, myout = sys.stdout, StringIO() sys.stdout = myout try: response = self.publish("%s?%s" % (formUrl, qs), basic=self.auth) data = finally: sys.stdout = back_out self.assert_('Pinged %s sitemap to Google' % self.contentSM.absolute_url() in data, "Not pinged %s: '%s'" % (, data)) self.assert_('Pinged %s sitemap to Google' % self.newsSM.absolute_url() in data, "Not pinged %s: '%s'" % (, data)) def test_suite(): from unittest import TestSuite, makeSuite suite = TestSuite() suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestPinging)) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite') # framework()