TODO ==== - Possible create 'nicer' exceptions based on a base transmogrifier exception - Sprinkle helpful logging statements throughout - Create default utility sections: - catalog delaying (replace catalog index methods with queues until iteration is done). May not be needed pending another project. - 'path' creation (insert Folders into the pipeline wherever required) - alternative path strategy: delay items until parents have been seen. - A logging section (log selected or all keys to a logging target (Z2, file, syslog, etc.) with configurable log level) - Black box? Section that encapsulates a single pipeline for the purposes of encapsulation and reuse. - Fail-safe default section: alter path to a leftover path if the path doesn't exist. - marker interfaces - Unique path generator. If a path has been seen before, append an integer until it is unique again. Check against an internal list or against the context. - Provide a UI for selecting and running pipelines - Perhaps utils.Expressions should grow an TAL iterator-like interface? YAGNI?